Wednesday, December 17, 2008

pondering and wondering

i was told like a few minates ago by someone i barely know that i think too much. I asked him if we had lived closer or actually hung out for real if we'd be friends. Brian said "Omar you think too much lol"... "I am sure we would have been". I do that i ask myself what if this happened or this, how much would i have been changed. I am sure that all that has happened and everyone whose pathes have intertwined with mine or even just crossed it has made me the person i am today.

I do believe that God has control over that stuff, so i am satisfied with what he has for me as friends, good friends, best friends and even acquinces. God sees the whole picture, where as i can see one perspective, so it would be dumb of me to not trust him to let him guide me and show me my path. after all my life verse is proverbs 3;5-6

"trust the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. Acknowledge him in all your ways and he WILL make your pathes straight"

I went to the hospital today with my aunt, she may or may not have breast cancer. so pray for her, that would be awesome. Anyways i was her translator and everytime i do it, its kind of a blessing. I feel kind of important and kind of special,

this one time i was in the post office with my dad he was mailing something to some one, but anyways we were at the end at the line and it was a huge line. The Line had not been moving for a while because this one lady who spoke only spanish could not understand and vice versa, and the post lady asked "does anyone speak spanish in here!?" and i didn't say anything right away , i was kinda shy, but every single person in the room looked at me and my dad, and i just raise my hand and ask "i do" i didn't really have a choice. while i was walking up there the lady was like "you speak english too right" lol i was like "yeah i do" and long story short, i helped her and the post office lady was like "since you helped me out, you can be next and i was like saw-weeeet!

Its cool, but it makes me sad when i see hispanic women having trouble getting things done, whether it be shopping or getting a ride, and espicially if they have small children with them. this is probably because my mom had the worst time as well as us, i mean i never really thought about it but she went thru alot just to go get a check up at the docters, she is an incredible woman. i love my mommy, and i think thats why i feel so compassionate for single hispanic moms. i think a ton of ppl looked down on us for not knowing english, i mean alot of ppl look down on ppl now and days, English is not even the offical langage of america technically. so yeah just wanted to write that i got to go now tho, need to go to church to minister the teh kids. God bless and thanx for reading


  1. that's awesome about the post office. that's so good that she let you go next in line.

    but hey man, go ahead and think. all the time. it may get overwhelming sometimes, and people may be like you're weird, but i think people who think too much are way better than people who don't think as much as they should.

    keep thinking. don't ever stop. us thinkers, we make the world go 'round. us, and the lovers...

    it was the thinkers and the lovers that made a pact, while the earth was still young, that we'd both help to keep the world turning...

  2. is that from a book or something? the lovers and thinkers thing?
