Saturday, December 27, 2008

so much to write so little space

okay fisrt thing i wanted to blog about is, babies and dogs, me dog sitting and house sitting has given me some experince with having responsibties of taking take of something else other than myself. I mean i took care of two dogs at the wilikes household but they were fine by themselves they were not destructive , it was probably cause they are older and trained right. But if i am having this much trouble with a dog, well trouble is the wrong word, i am frusterated with him, how can i ever think of having a baby now-and-days, no way jose!

second thing is, last night was pretty sweet, i listened to the holy spirit and not went to see the movie with my friends instead i went to talk to homeless ppl and pray over them. I had hung out with Arlin b4 the movie and had planned to meet up with my friends later, but i felt drawn to talk and pray for these homeless ppl, it was awesome i was so glad i didn't go see the curious case of benjamin button. anyways after we finished talking to the homeless ppl, Arlin came over to the Schuhs and helped clean some stuff up for me, i have this whole cleaning schedule, so i can clean most of their house up for when they get back.

lastly and def. not least, i am going to breakfest with Deustch today and later lunch with Arlin, anyways i may or may not rly emotional at breakfest, because this will be the last time i will see him in a while. :[. it was nice getting to know him more these past 3 months, he is moving to yea. i'll blog what happens later, stay tuned for the season finale!

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