Tuesday, December 16, 2008

tuesday is the day

hello readers, i guess heroes last night was the last one of the season but its coming back on, on feb 2nd. thats not at all far away, especially because LOST has taken almost a year to come back on.

anyways last night Moyer took me home and we kinda had a heart to heart about some stuff, i wish i could do that more often. One topic was faith baptist, and how rotten everything was there...but the friendship are still missed til this day. I was wondering to myself, the reason i stayed was to minister and glofiy God. and i thought to myself did i make any impact there? or rather did God use me to impact others, i ask this because adam said he felt alone at faith, and i thought i tried my best to at least make him feel welcome...idk. But Eric said that i changed his life, this was last thursday, i wish he coulda said God did, but regardless, he said that everyone there was rly condemning especially when he missed a day at church to study, i totally agree with him there, they more than once said i was unsaved. But anyways he told me that i was the only one that actually showed him love and mercy, and thats why he shows unconditional love out too ppl.

I wish more people were loving towards other, especially Christians, i feel like they/we are notorious for not loving and condemning, we are known for what we stand aganist more often than what we stand for.

As far as me and eric goes, hes not talking to me again... last time he thought i was mad at him and i thought he was mad at me..it was a miscommunication. But now i think theres a reason, a reason i would rather leave undefined. I deleted his number from my phone so i don't bother him anymore with phone calls to see what is his or my or our deal. plus the whole condemning him for stuff i think goes into play.

but i want to write more but i got to go, i need to clean my house because i am having people over to play games and watch the dark knight!


  1. just can't stand those hypocrites (christians) sometimes... it's funny how people ignore that one really important part of the bible sometimes... that one part... about throwing stones...

  2. i know what you mean, it ticks me off. but what can you do, other than pray for them, actually thats the best thing you could do for them.
